Classification Info

Members who wish to be issued with a class must return the attached form detailing the shoots you have attended to achieve a class and average.

In the case of new members or where an existing member does not hold a classification from the previous year, they may be classified on their scores over their first three shoots. In such a case, members are however liable to be reclassified up or down during the year should their scores warrant such a move.

Un-classified participants at registered events will be classified on the day. This classification will be based on the score in total (i.e. ex-100 targets or ex-50 targets in the case of 50 target shoots).

Where a Member holds more than one classification in a discipline as a result of membership of multiple Associations, they must enter all competitions in the highest class. The onus for compliance with this rule rests with the individual Member and anyone so affected must notify the ICTSA Honorary Secretary so that provision may be made in shoot programs.


Where a Member is transferring from another affiliated association with a current classification (most recent, within the previous 3 years), they can declare a transfer of classification by filling in the attached "Classification Transfer Form" and submitting it to statistical@ictsa.ie

Members classifications run from 1st January to 31st December annually.

A Member must return three registered scores in any discipline except Sportrap or UT to receive an average and a class in that discipline for the following year. In Sportrap and UT one score shall be sufficient for a class. Where less than three registered scores are returned, an average will be awarded and any class previously assigned will be maintained.

Members will hold their classifications indefinitely until a new class is warranted under the above.

The Statistical Officer’s books will close at the end of August each year and new classifications will be made available once the cut off points have been notified by the ICTSC. The current class bandings are available here.

Any person whose membership lapses for less than three years shall retain their last classification upon re-joining the Association. Where membership is lapsed for three years or more the member will be classified in accordance with above upon re-joining the Association.

Points to note when reading the classification list for 2024:

  1. Classifications are only shown for members who have paid their 2024 membership subscription.
  2. Average scores are calculated using an formula that excludes scores more than 10% below that shooters average (5% for NSK and DTL).
  3. If a member competed in less than 3 events in the 12 months to 31 August 2021, their classification from 2021 is carried forward to 2022. In this case, a classification is shown as well as their average score for events shot in 2021.

Members may declare a score obtained in competitions outside Ireland (provided such event has been shot under the governance of an affiliated association), by completing and submitting the attached score declaration form. This must be submitted within 7 days of the competition event.

Queries with regard to classifications for registered shoots should be addressed to the Statistics Officer at  statistical@ictsa.ie

